To guarantee the maximum quality of the works and the satisfaction of the purchasers thanks to a digitalization of the information management between the various intervening parties on the projects (property developer, project operational supervisor, companies), from the construction to the after-sales service.
Continuity and reliability of the information related to the choices of purchasers (catalog, estimate, good execution) and customer choice of works in the application through the different successive stages of the project
A modern experience for the buyer who follows all the steps on an ergonomic and simple application, from the construction site to the after-sales service.
Filters, alerts, reports and appointment scheduling in the application, for an adapted coordination of the management of reserves and discharges between the various parties involved and the purchaser.
Access to the indicators in the application for a project in a detailed way, or for a whole multi-site perimeter in a synthetic way through the various phases of work and after-sales service guarantees.
Make the program management reliable: each step is anticipated at the right time and 100% of the subjects are perfectly mastered. Eliminate any additional costs related to skills or inexperience issues. Your organization is improved and your customers benefit from a fulfilling digital experience.
Testing of the solution on a "POC" site to experience the added value and confirm the customer's processes.
Design and execution of a training plan for the teams and a plan for the deployment of the solution on the customer's perimeter of activity and implementation of objectives and monitoring indicators.
Widespread use of the solution on all sites, steering committee, reporting, measurement of the achievement of objectives.
Kaliti accompanies ICADE on the construction and GPA phases, as well as in an improved digital acquisition experience on the whole of its activity (about 5000 housing units per year).
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Kaliti is integrated into the client's quality management procedures, from bulkhead visits to after-sales service, in direct link with the CRM system developed by VINCI Immobilier.
Constructa calls upon Kaliti to follow the phases of bulkhead visits, OPR, pre-deliveries, deliveries, 30-day letter and GPA.
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